Materialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium Sommersemester 2022

10. Juni 2022 / Yuki Ikeda

Der dritte Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Melissa K. Santala

am MONTAG, den 20. Juni 2022 um 16:30 Uhr, findet im Rahmen unseres Materialwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums im Sommersemester 2022 der dritte Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Melissa K. Santala, School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, zum interessanten Thema: Revealing thermodynamics and kinetics of crystallization of phase change materials using complementary microscopic techniques“ statt. Zu Ihrer Information finden Sie den Abstract des Vortrags im Anhang.


Wir treffen uns in Präsenz im Werner-Köster Hörsaal (Heisenbergstr. 3). Get-together mit dem Sprecher ab 16:15 in der Lobby.

Fühlen Sie sich herzlich eingeladen. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Besucher.


Biographical Sketch:

Melissa Santala is materials scientist and an Associate Professor at Oregon State University (OSU). She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. During her graduate studies she extensively used optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to conduct fundamental studies of ceramics and ceramic-metal interfaces. After receiving her PhD in 2009, she joined Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a first post-doctoral researcher and then stayed on as staff scientist. At Lawrence Livermore, she used photo-emission TEM to study phase transformations in various materials with a focus on semiconductors and chalcogenide-based phase change materials for memory devices. In 2020, she received a National Science Foundation CAREER award supporting her group’s research on the crystallization of phase change materials. At OSU, she leads a group that uses transmission electron microscopy and complementary characterization techniques to tackle a variety of materials science problems.



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