
Publikationsliste der Abteilung für Materialdesign


  1. Sung, M.Y., Jang, T.J., Song, S.Y., Lee, G., Ryou, K., Oh, S.-H., Lee, B.-J., Choi, P.-P., Neugebauer, J., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Ikeda, Y., Zargaran, A., Sohn, S.S.: Ultrastrong and ductile CoNiMoAl medium-entropy alloys enabled by L12 nanoprecipitate-induced multiple deformation mechanisms. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 225, 72–86 (2025).
  2. Dangwal, S., Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B., Edalati, K.: Machine learning to explore high-entropy alloys with desired enthalpy for room-temperature hydrogen storage: Prediction of density functional theory and experimental data. Chemical Engineering Journal. 493, 152606 (2024).
  3. Muralikrishna, G.M., Sen, S., Ayyappan, S.K., Sankaran, S., Guruvidyathri, K., Schell, J., Rogal, L., Zhang, X., Mayer, J., Grabowski, B., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.: Microstructure stability and self-diffusion in the equiatomic HfScTiZr HCP multi-principal element alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 976, 173196 (2024).
  4. Ou, Y., Ikeda, Y., Scholz, L., Divinski, S., Fritzen, F., Grabowski, B.: Atomistic modeling of bulk and grain boundary diffusion in solid electrolyte Li6PS5Cl using machine-learning interatomic potentials. Physical Review Materials. 8, (2024).
  5. Sen, S., Zhang, X., Rogal, L., Schell, J., Wilde, G., Grabowski, B., Divinski, S.V.: Sc diffusion in HCP high entropy alloys. Scripta Materialia. 242, 115917 (2024).
  6. Srinivasan, P., Demuriya, D., Grabowski, B., Shapeev, A.: Electronic Moment Tensor Potentials include both electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. npj Computational Materials. 10, 41 (2024).
  7. Xu, X., Zhang, X., Bitzek, E., Schmauder, S., Grabowski, B.: Origin of the yield stress anomaly in L12 intermetallics unveiled with physically informed machine-learning potentials. Acta Materialia. 281, 120423 (2024).
  8. Xu, X., Zhang, X., Ruban, A., Schmauder, S., Grabowski, B.: Accurate complex-stacking-fault Gibbs energy in Ni3Al at high temperatures. Scripta Materialia. 242, 115934 (2024).
  9. Zhu, L.-F., Körmann, F., Chen, Q., Selleby, M., Neugebauer, J., Grabowski, B.: Accelerating ab initio melting property calculations with machine learning: application to the high entropy alloy TaVCrW. npj Computational Materials. 10, 274 (2024).
  10. Zhu, L.-F., Srinivasan, P., Gong, Y., Hickel, T., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J.: Melting properties of the refractory metals V and W and the binary VW alloy fully from first principles. Physical Review B. 109, (2024).
  11. Zotov, N., Gubaev, K., Wörner, J., Grabowski, B.: Moment tensor potential for static and dynamic investigations of screw dislocations in bcc Nb. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 32, 035032 (2024).
  12. Baker, I., Grabowski, B., Divinski, S.V., Zhang, X., Ikeda, Y.: Interstitials in compositionally complex alloys. MRS Bulletin. 48, 769--776 (2023).
  13. Forslund, A., Jung, J.H., Srinivasan, P., Grabowski, B.: Thermodynamic properties on the homologous temperature scale from direct upsampling: Understanding electron-vibration coupling and thermal vacancies in bcc refractory metals. Physical Review B. 107, (2023).
  14. Gubaev, K., Zaverkin, V., Srinivasan, P., Duff, A.I., Kästner, J., Grabowski, B.: Performance of two complementary machine-learned potentials in modelling chemically complex systems. npj Computational Materials. 9, 129 (2023).
  15. Jung, J.H., Forslund, A., Srinivasan, P., Grabowski, B.: Dynamically stabilized phases with full  ab initio  accuracy: Thermodynamics of Ti, Zr, Hf with a focus on the hcp-bcc transition. Physical Review B. 108, (2023).
  16. Jung, J.H., Srinivasan, P., Forslund, A., Grabowski, B.: High-accuracy thermodynamic properties to the melting point from ab initio calculations aided by machine-learning potentials. npj Computational Materials. 9, 3 (2023).
  17. Perween, S., Wissel, K., Dallos, Z., Weiss, M., Ikeda, Y., Vasala, S., Strobel, S., Schützendübe, P., Jeschenko, P.M., Kolb, U., Marschall, R., Grabowski, B., Glatzel, P.: Topochemical Fluorination of LaBaInO4 to LaBaInO3F2, Their Optical Characterization, and Photocatalytic Activities for Hydrogen Evolution. Inorganic Chemistry. 62, 16329–16342 (2023).
  18. Sen, S., Zhang, X., Rogal, L., Wilde, G., Grabowski, B., Divinski, S.V.: ‘Anti-sluggish’ Ti diffusion in HCP high-entropy alloys: Chemical complexity vs. lattice distortions. Scripta Materialia. 224, 115117 (2023).
  19. Sen, S., Zhang, X., Rogal, L., Wilde, G., Grabowski, B., Divinski, S.V.: Does Zn mimic diffusion of Al in the HCP Al-Sc-Hf-Ti-Zr high entropy alloys? Scripta Materialia. 229, 115376 (2023).
  20. Srinivasan, P., Shapeev, A., Neugebauer, J., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B.: Anharmonicity in bcc refractory elements: A detailed  ab initio  analysis. Physical Review B. 107, (2023).
  21. Wissel, K., Riegger, L.M., Schneider, C., Waidha, A.I., Famprikis, T., Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B., Dinnebier, R.E., Lotsch, B.V., Janek, J., Ensinger, W., Clemens, O.: Dissolution and Recrystallization Behavior of Li3PS4 in Different Organic Solvents with a Focus on N-Methylformamide. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 6, 7790–7802 (2023).
  22. Xu, X., Zhang, X., Ruban, A., Schmauder, S., Grabowski, B.: Strong impact of spin fluctuations on the antiphase boundaries of weak itinerant ferromagnetic Ni3Al. Acta Materialia. 255, 118986 (2023).
  23. Dash, A., Paul, A., Sen, S., Divinski, S., Kundin, J., Steinbach, I., Grabowski, B., Zhang, X.: Recent Advances in Understanding Diffusion in Multiprincipal Element Systems. Annual Review of Materials Research. 52, (2022).
  24. Dsouza, R., Huber, L., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Approximating the impact of nuclear quantum effects on thermodynamic properties of crystalline solids by temperature remapping. Physical Review B. 105, (2022).
  25. Ikeda, Y., Estes, D.P., Grabowski, B.: Comprehensive Understanding of H Adsorption on MoO3 from Systematic Ab Initio Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 126, 7728–7738 (2022).
  26. Lee, J.S., Ko, W.-S., Grabowski, B.: Atomistic simulations of the deformation behavior of an Nb nanowire embedded in a NiTi shape memory alloy. Acta Materialia. 228, 117764 (2022).
  27. Mohammadi, A., Ikeda, Y., Edalati, P., Mito, M., Grabowski, B., Li, H.-W., Edalati, K.: High-entropy hydrides for fast and reversible hydrogen storage at room temperature: Binding-energy engineering via first-principles calculations and experiments. Acta Materialia. 236, 118117 (2022).
  28. Novikov, I., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Shapeev, A.: Magnetic Moment Tensor Potentials for collinear spin-polarized materials reproduce different magnetic states of bcc Fe. npj Computational Materials. 8, 13 (2022).
  29. Sartika, V.D., Choi, W.S., Choi, G., Han, J., Chang, S.-J., Ko, W.-S., Grabowski, B., Choi, P.-P.: Joining dissimilar metal of Ti and CoCrMo using directed energy deposition. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 111, 99–110 (2022).
  30. Stelzer, R.U., Ikeda, Y., Srinivasan, P., Lehmann, T.S., Grabowski, B., Niewa, R.: Li5Sn, the Most Lithium-Rich Binary Stannide: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 7096–7110 (2022).
  31. Zhang, J., Gadelmeier, C., Sen, S., Wang, R., Zhang, X., Zhong, Y., Glatzel, U., Grabowski, B., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.: Zr diffusion in BCC refractory high entropy alloys: A case of ‘non-sluggish’ diffusion behavior. Acta Materialia. 233, 117970 (2022).
  32. Zhang, X., Divinski, S.V., Grabowski, B.: Ab initio prediction of vacancy energetics in HCP Al-Hf-Sc-Ti-Zr high entropy alloys and the subsystems. Acta Materialia. 227, 117677 (2022).
  33. Zhou, Y., Srinivasan, P., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Smith, R., Goddard, P., Duff, A.I.: Thermodynamics up to the melting point in a TaVCrW high entropy alloy: Systematic ab initio study aided by machine learning potentials. Physical Review B. 105, (2022).
  34. Zotov, N., Grabowski, B.: Entropy of kink pair formation on screw dislocations: an accelerated molecular dynamics study. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 30, 065004 (2022).
  35. Forslund, A., Zhang, X., Grabowski, B., Shapeev, A.V., Ruban, A.V.: Ab initio simulations of the surface free energy of TiN(001). Physical Review B. 103, 195428 (2021).
  36. Grabowski, B., Zotov, N.: Thermally-activated dislocation mobility in bcc metals: An accelerated molecular dynamics study. Computational Materials Science. 200, (2021).
  37. Gubaev, K., Ikeda, Y., Tasnádi, F., Neugebauer, J., Shapeev, A.V., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F.: Finite-temperature interplay of structural stability, chemical complexity, and elastic properties of bcc multicomponent alloys from ab initio trained machine-learning potentials. Physical Review Materials. 5, 073801 (2021).
  38. Gupta, A., Tas, B., Korbmacher, D., Dutta, B., Neitzel, Y., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Esin, V., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G., Neugebauer, J.: A Combined Experimental and First-Principles Based Assessment of Finite-Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Intermetallic Al3Sc. Materials (Basel). 14, 1837 (2021).
  39. Ikeda, Y., Gubaev, K., Neugebauer, J., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F.: Chemically induced local lattice distortions versus structural phase transformations in compositionally complex alloys. npj Computational Materials. 7, 34 (2021).
  40. Ikeda, Y., Lehmann, T.S., Widenmeyer, M., Coduri, M., Grabowski, B., Niewa, R.: Crystal structure and phase stability of Co2N: A combined first-principles and experimental study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 854, 156341 (2021).
  41. Iqbal Waidha, A., Khatoon Siddiqui, H., Ikeda, Y., Lepple, M., Vasala, S., Donzelli, M., Fortes, A.D., Slater, P., Grabowski, B., Kramm, U.I., Clemens, O.: Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of a New Vacancy Ordered Perovskite Type Barium Cobaltate BaCoO2.67. Chemistry. 27, 9763–9767 (2021).
  42. Ko, W.-S., Choi, W.S., Xu, G., Choi, P.-P., Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B.: Dissecting functional degradation in NiTi shape memory alloys containing amorphous regions via atomistic simulations. Acta Materialia. 202, 331–349 (2021).
  43. Wollstadt, S., Ikeda, Y., Sarkar, A., Vasala, S., Fasel, C., Alff, L., Kruk, R., Grabowski, B., Clemens, O.: Structural and Magnetic Properties of BaFeO2.667 Synthesized by Oxidizing BaFeO2.5 Obtained via Nebulized Spray Pyrolysis. Inorg Chem. 60, 10923–10933 (2021).
  44. Zhu, L.-F., Janssen, J., Ishibashi, S., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: A fully automated approach to calculate the melting temperature of elemental crystals. Computational Materials Science. 187, 110065 (2021).
  45. Zotov, N., Grabowski, B.: Molecular dynamics simulations of screw dislocation mobility in bcc Nb. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 29, (2021).
  46. Ferrari, A., Dutta, B., Gubaev, K., Ikeda, Y., Srinivasan, P., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F.: Frontiers in atomistic simulations of high entropy alloys. Journal of Applied Physics. 128, 150901 (2020).
  47. Ishibashi, S., Ikeda, Y., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Correlation analysis of strongly fluctuating atomic volumes, charges, and stresses in body-centered cubic refractory high-entropy alloys. Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 023608 (2020).
  48. Ko, W.-S., Stukowski, A., Hadian, R., Nematollahi, A., Jeon, J.B., Choi, W.S., Dehm, G., Neugebauer, J., Kirchlechner, C., Grabowski, B.: Atomistic deformation behavior of single and twin crystalline Cu nanopillars with preexisting dislocations. Acta Materialia. 197, 54–68 (2020).
  49. Rogal, L., Ikeda, Y., Lai, M., Körmann, F., Kalinowska, A., Grabowski, B.: Design of a dual-phase hcp-bcc high entropy alloy strengthened by ω nanoprecipitates in the Sc-Ti-Zr-Hf-Re system. Materials & Design. 192, 108716 (2020).
  50. Vaidya, M., Sen, S., Zhang, X., Frommeyer, L., Rogal, Ł., Sankaran, S., Grabowski, B., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.: Phenomenon of ultra-fast tracer diffusion of Co in HCP high entropy alloys. Acta Materialia. 196, 220–230 (2020).
  51. Zhang, J.L., Cann, J.L., Maisel, S.B., Qu, K., Plancher, E., Springer, H., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Gao, P., Ren, Y., Grabowski, B., Tasan, C.C.: Design of a V–Ti–Ni alloy with superelastic nano-precipitates. Acta Materialia. 196, 710–722 (2020).
  52. Zhu, L.-F., Körmann, F., Ruban, A.V., Neugebauer, J., Grabowski, B.: Performance of the standard exchange-correlation functionals in predicting melting properties fully from first principles: Application to Al and magnetic Ni. Physical Review B. 101, 144108 (2020).
  53. Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J., Neuhaus, J., Hradil, K., Petry, W., Leitner, M.: Phonon Lifetimes throughout the Brillouin Zone at Elevated Temperatures from Experiment and Ab Initio. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 235501 (2019).
  54. Grabowski, B., Ikeda, Y., Srinivasan, P., Körmann, F., Freysoldt, C., Duff, A.I., Shapeev, A., Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio vibrational free energies including anharmonicity for multicomponent alloys. npj Computational Materials. 5, 80 (2019).
  55. Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F.: mpltern 0.3.0: ternary plots as projections of Matplotlib. (2019).

Publikationen bis 2019 (Grabowski am MPIE und LLNL)

  1. Bigdeli, S., Zhu, L.-F., Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Lindahl, B., Hickel, T., Selleby, M.: An insight into using DFT data for Calphad modeling of solid phases in the third generation of Calphad databases, a case study for Al. Calphad. 65, 79--85 (2019).
  2. Guénolé, J., Mouhib, F.-Z., Huber, L., Grabowski, B., Korte-Kerzel, S.: Basal slip in laves phases: The synchroshear dislocation. Scripta Materialia. 166, 134–138 (2019).
  3. Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F.: Ab initio phase stabilities and mechanical properties of multicomponent alloys: A comprehensive review for high entropy alloys and compositionally complex alloys. Materials Characterization. 147, 464–511 (2019).
  4. Korbmacher, D., Glensk, A., Duff, A.I., Finnis, M.W., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio based method to study structural phase transitions in dynamically unstable crystals, with new insights on the β to ω transformation in titanium. Physical Review B. 100, 104110 (2019).
  5. Mellan, T.A., Duff, A.I., Grabowski, B., Finnis, M.W.: Fast anharmonic free energy method with an application to vacancies in ZrC. Physical Review B. 100, 024303 (2019).
  6. Gong, Y., Grabowski, B., Glensk, A., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J., Reed, R.C.: Temperature dependence of the Gibbs energy of vacancy formation of fcc Ni. Physical Review B. 97, 214106 (2018).
  7. Hadian, R., Grabowski, B., Finnis, M.W., Neugebauer, J.: Migration mechanisms of a faceted grain boundary. Physical Review Materials. 2, 043601 (2018).
  8. Hadian, R., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: GB code: A grain boundary generation code. The Journal of Open Source Software. 3, 900 (2018).
  9. Huber, L., Hadian, R., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: A machine learning approach to model solute grain boundary segregation. npj Computational Materials. 4, (2018).
  10. Katnagallu, S., Dagan, M., Parviainen, S., Nematollahi, A., Grabowski, B., Bagot, P.A.J., Rolland, N., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D., Vurpillot, F., Moody, M.P., Gault, B.: Impact of local electrostatic field rearrangement on field ionization. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 51, 105601 (2018).
  11. Katnagallu, S., Gault, B., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D., Nematollahi, A.: Advanced data mining in field ion microscopy. Materials Characterization. 146, 307–318 (2018).
  12. Ko, W.-S., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Impact of asymmetric martensite and austenite nucleation and growth behavior on the phase stability and hysteresis of freestanding shape-memory nanoparticles. Physical Review Materials. 2, 030601 (2018).
  13. Malyar, N.V., Grabowski, B., Dehm, G., Kirchlechner, C.: Dislocation slip transmission through a coherent Σ3 111 copper twin boundary: Strain rate sensitivity, activation volume and strength distribution function. Acta Materialia. 161, 412–419 (2018).
  14. Stockem, I., Bergman, A., Glensk, A., Hickel, T., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J., Alling, B.: Anomalous Phonon Lifetime Shortening in Paramagnetic CrN Caused by Spin-Lattice Coupling: A Combined Spin and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study. Physical Review Letters. 121, 125902 (2018).
  15. Zhang, X., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Calculating free energies of point defects from ab initio. Computational Materials Science. 148, 249–259 (2018).
  16. Zhang, X., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Ruban, A.V., Gong, Y., Reed, R.C., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Temperature dependence of the stacking-fault Gibbs energy for Al, Cu, and Ni. Physical Review B. 98, 224106 (2018).
  17. Gupta, A., Kavakbasi, B.T., Dutta, B., Grabowski, B., Peterlechner, M., Hickel, T., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G., Neugebauer, J.: Low-temperature features in the heat capacity of unary metals and intermetallics for the example of bulk aluminum andAl3Sc. Physical Review B. 95, 094307 (2017).
  18. Huber, L., Grabowski, B., Militzer, M., Neugebauer, J., Rottler, J.: Ab initio modelling of solute segregation energies to a general grain boundary. Acta Materialia. 132, 138–148 (2017).
  19. Katnagallu, S., Nematollahi, A., Dagan, M., Moody, M., Grabowski, B., Gault, B., Raabe, D., Neugebauer, J.: High Fidelity Reconstruction of Experimental Field Ion Microscopy Data by Atomic Relaxation Simulations. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23, 642–643 (2017).
  20. Ko, W.-S., Maisel, S.B., Grabowski, B., Jeon, J.B., Neugebauer, J.: Atomic scale processes of phase transformations in nanocrystalline NiTi shape-memory alloys. Acta Materialia. 123, 90–101 (2017).
  21. Körmann, F., Ikeda, Y., Grabowski, B., Sluiter, M.H.F.: Phonon broadening in high entropy alloys. npj Computational Materials. 3, 36 (2017).
  22. Li, Z., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D.: Ab initio assisted design of quinary dual-phase high-entropy alloys with transformation-induced plasticity. Acta Materialia. 136, 262–270 (2017).
  23. Maisel, S.B., Ko, W.S., Zhang, J.L., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Thermomechanical response of NiTi shape-memory nanoprecipitates in TiV alloys. Physical Review Materials. 1, 033610 (2017).
  24. Ready, A.J., Haynes, P.D., Grabowski, B., Rugg, D., Sutton, A.P.: The role of molybdenum in suppressing cold dwell fatigue in titanium alloys. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 473, 20170189 (2017).
  25. Rogal, L., Bobrowski, P., Körmann, F., Divinski, S., Stein, F., Grabowski, B.: Computationally-driven engineering of sublattice ordering in a hexagonal AlHfScTiZr high entropy alloy. Scientific Reports. 7, 2209 (2017).
  26. Zhang, X., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Freysoldt, C., Neugebauer, J.: Accurate electronic free energies of the 3d,4d, and 5d transition metals at high temperatures. Physical Review B. 95, 165126 (2017).
  27. Zhu, L.-F., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Efficient approach to compute melting properties fully from ab initio with application to Cu. Physical Review B. 96, 224202 (2017).
  28. Alling, B., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Glensk, A., Abrikosov, I.A., Neugebauer, J.: Strong impact of lattice vibrations on electronic and magnetic properties of paramagnetic Fe revealed by disordered local moments molecular dynamics. Physical Review B. 93, 224411 (2016).
  29. Djaziri, S., Li, Y., Nematollahi, G.A., Grabowski, B., Goto, S., Kirchlechner, C., Kostka, A., Doyle, S., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D., Dehm, G.: Deformation-Induced Martensite: A New Paradigm for Exceptional Steels. Advanced Materials. 28, 7753–7 (2016).
  30. Grabowski, B., Tasan, C.C.: Self-Healing Metals. In: Hager, D.M., van der Zwaag, S., and Schubert, S.U. (eds.) Self-healing Materials. pp. 387–407. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2016).
  31. Hadian, R., Grabowski, B., Race, C.P., Neugebauer, J.: Atomistic migration mechanisms of atomically flat, stepped, and kinked grain boundaries. Physical Review B. 94, 165413 (2016). 165413 10.1103/Physrevb.94.165413.
  32. Heidelmann, M., Feuerbacher, M., Ma, D., Grabowski, B.: Structural anomaly in the high-entropy alloy ZrNbTiTaHf. Intermetallics. 68, 11–15 (2016).
  33. Huang, L.-F., Grabowski, B., Zhang, J., Lai, M.-J., Tasan, C.C., Sandlöbes, S., Raabe, D., Neugebauer, J.: From electronic structure to phase diagrams: A bottom-up approach to understand the stability of titanium–transition metal alloys. Acta Materialia. 113, 311–319 (2016).
  34. Huber, L., Grabowski, B., Militzer, M., Neugebauer, J., Rottler, J.: A QM/MM approach for low-symmetry defects in metals. Computational Materials Science. 118, 259–268 (2016).
  35. Kaplan, B., Korbmacher, D., Blomqvist, A., Grabowski, B.: Finite temperature ab initio calculated thermodynamic properties of orthorhombic Cr3C2. Calphad. 53, 72–77 (2016).
  36. Kim, J.-K., Ko, W.-S., Sandlöbes, S., Heidelmann, M., Grabowski, B., Raabe, D.: The role of metastable LPSO building block clusters in phase transformations of an Mg-Y-Zn alloy. Acta Materialia. 112, 171–183 (2016).
  37. Leyson, G.P.M., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Multiscale modeling of hydrogen enhanced homogeneous dislocation nucleation. Acta Materialia. 107, 144–151 (2016).
  38. Nematollahi, G.A., Grabowski, B., Raabe, D., Neugebauer, J.: Multiscale description of carbon-supersaturated ferrite in severely drawn pearlitic wires. Acta Materialia. 111, 321–334 (2016).
  39. Oh, H., Ma, D., Leyson, G., Grabowski, B., Park, E., Körmann, F., Raabe, D.: Lattice Distortions in the FeCoNiCrMn High Entropy Alloy Studied by Theory and Experiment. Entropy. 18, 321 (2016).
  40. Sawada, H., Kawakami, K., Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Partitioning of Cr and Si between cementite and ferrite derived from first-principles thermodynamics. Acta Materialia. 102, 241–250 (2016).
  41. Duff, A.I., Davey, T., Korbmacher, D., Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J., Finnis, M.W.: Improved method of calculating ab initio high-temperature thermodynamic properties with application to ZrC. Physical Review B. 91, 214311 (2015).
  42. Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Understanding Anharmonicity in fcc Materials: From its Origin to ab initio Strategies beyond the Quasiharmonic Approximation. Physical Review Letters. 114, 195901 (2015).
  43. Grabowski, B., Wippermann, S., Glensk, A., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Random phase approximation up to the melting point: Impact of anharmonicity and nonlocal many-body effects on the thermodynamics of Au. Physical Review B. 91, 201103 (2015).
  44. Huang, L.-F., Grabowski, B., McEniry, E., Trinkle, D.R., Neugebauer, J.: Importance of coordination number and bond length in titanium revealed by electronic structure investigations. physica status solidi (b). 252, 1907–1924 (2015).
  45. Ko, W.-S., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Development and application of a Ni-Ti interatomic potential with high predictive accuracy of the martensitic phase transition. Physical Review B. 92, 134107 (2015).
  46. Körmann, F., Ma, D., Belyea, D.D., Lucas, M.S., Miller, C.W., Grabowski, B., Sluiter, M.H.F.: “Treasure maps” for magnetic high-entropy-alloys from theory and experiment. Applied Physics Letters. 107, 142404 (2015).
  47. Lai, M.J., Tasan, C.C., Zhang, J., Grabowski, B., Huang, L.F., Raabe, D.: Origin of shear induced β to ω transition in Ti–Nb-based alloys. Acta Materialia. 92, 55–63 (2015).
  48. Leyson, G.P.M., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Multiscale description of dislocation induced nano-hydrides. Acta Materialia. 89, 50–59 (2015).
  49. Ma, D., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D.: Ab initio thermodynamics of the CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy: Importance of entropy contributions beyond the configurational one. Acta Materialia. 100, 90–97 (2015).
  50. Race, C.P., Hadian, R., von Pezold, J., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Mechanisms and kinetics of the migration of grain boundaries containing extended defects. Physical Review B. 92, (2015).
  51. Freysoldt, C., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J., Kresse, G., Janotti, A., Van de Walle, C.G.: First-principles calculations for point defects in solids. Reviews of Modern Physics. 86, 253 (2014). 10.1103/Revmodphys.86.253.
  52. Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Breakdown of the Arrhenius Law in Describing Vacancy Formation Energies: The Importance of Local Anharmonicity Revealed by Ab initio Thermodynamics. Physical Review X. 4, 011018 (2014).
  53. Hickel, T., Nazarov, R., McEniry, E.J., Leyson, G., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Ab Initio Based Understanding of the Segregation and Diffusion Mechanisms of Hydrogen in Steels. Jom. 66, 1399–1405 (2014).
  54. Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Dutta, B., Hickel, T., Mauger, L., Fultz, B., Neugebauer, J.: Temperature Dependent Magnon-Phonon Coupling in bcc Fe from Theory and Experiment. Physical Review Letters. 113, 165503 (2014).
  55. Palumbo, M., Burton, B., Silva, A.C.E., Fultz, B., Grabowski, B., Grimvall, G., Hallstedt, B., Hellman, O., Lindahl, B., Schneider, A., Turchi, P.E.A., Xiong, W.: Thermodynamic modelling of crystalline unary phases. physica status solidi (b). 251, 14–32 (2014). 10.1002/Pssb.201350133.
  56. Zhou, L., Körmann, F., Holec, D., Bartosik, M., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J., Mayrhofer, P.H.: Structural stability and thermodynamics of CrN magnetic phases fromab initiocalculations and experiment. Physical Review B. 90, 184102 (2014).
  57. Körmann, F., Grabowski, B., Söderlind, P., Palumbo, M., Fries, S.G., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Thermodynamic modeling of chromium: strong and weak magnetic coupling. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 25, 425401 (2013).
  58. Hickel, T., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J.: Advancing density functional theory to finite temperatures: methods and applications in steel design. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 24, 053202 (2012).
  59. Hickel, T., Uijttewaal, M., Al-Zubi, A., Dutta, B., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Ab Initio-Based Prediction of Phase Diagrams: Application to Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials. 14, 547–561 (2012).
  60. Körmann, F., Dick, A., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Atomic forces at finite magnetic temperatures: Phonons in paramagnetic iron. Physical Review B. 85, 125104 (2012).
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  62. Schick, M., Hallstedt, B., Glensk, A., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Hampl, M., Gröbner, J., Neugebauer, J., Schmid-Fetzer, R.: Combined ab initio, experimental, and CALPHAD approach for an improved thermodynamic evaluation of the Mg–Si system. Calphad. 37, 77–86 (2012).
  63. Söderlind, P., Grabowski, B., Yang, L., Landa, A., Björkman, T., Souvatzis, P., Eriksson, O.: High-temperature phonon stabilization of γ-uranium from relativistic first-principles theory. Physical Review B. 85, 060301(R) (2012).
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  66. Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Formation energies of point defects at finite temperatures. physica status solidi (b). 248, 1295–1308 (2011).
  67. Grabowski, B., Söderlind, P., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Temperature-driven phase transitions from first principles including all relevant excitations: The fcc-to-bcc transition in Ca. Physical Review B. 84, 214107 (2011).
  68. Grabowski, B., Ismer, L., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio up to the melting point: Anharmonicity and vacancies in aluminum. Physical Review B. 79, 134106 (2009).
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  70. Hickel, T., Dick, A., Grabowski, B., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J.: Steel Design from Fully Parameter-Free Ab Initio Computer Simulations. Steel Research International. 80, 4–8 (2009).
  71. Hickel, T., Uijttewaal, M., Grabowski, B., Neugebauer, J.: Determination of symmetry reduced structures using a soft phonon analysis for magnetic shape memory alloys (abstract only). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 20, 064219 (2008).
  72. Körmann, F., Dick, A., Grabowski, B., Hallstedt, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Free energy of bcc iron: Integrated ab initio derivation of vibrational, electronic, and magnetic contributions. Physical Review B. 78, 033102 (2008).
  73. Lencer, D., Salinga, M., Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J., Wuttig, M.: A map for phase-change materials. Nature Materials. 7, 972 (2008).
  74. Grabowski, B., Hickel, T., Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio study of the thermodynamic properties of nonmagnetic elementary fcc metals: Exchange-correlation-related error bars and chemical trends. Physical Review B. 76, 024309 (2007).
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