
Informationen about our X-Ray diffraction facilities.

Bruker D8 Discover

  • Multi purpose diffractometer
  • Available anodes: Cu (standard), Mo, Cr
  • Max. voltage: 50 kV, max. Power depending on anode: Cr 3.2 kW, Cu/Mo 5.4 kW
  • Two-circle goniometer with independent stepper motors and optical encoders
  • UMC stage:
    • +-150 mm(x-, y- direction) and up to 50 mm (z- direction)
    • 360 ° Phi, 55° Psi
    • Max. 55 kg
  • Centric Eulerian Cradle: 
    • +-40 mm (x-, y- direction)
    • 360 ° Phi, -11° up to 98° Psi
    • Max. 1 kg
  • Energy resolution: < 380 eV @ 8 KeV
  • Non ambient:
    • Heating up to 1000 °C
    • Pressure: 10-⁴ mbar up to 100 bar
    • Humidity: 5% to 95% RH

Siemens D5000

  • X-Ray Diffractometer
  • Cu anode
  • Eulerian cradle: Theta/ 2 Theta goniometer with optional (phi)- rotation (Bragg Brentano configuration)
  • Primary optic: poly capillars
  • Detektor: scintillator
  • Max. 1200 W (40 kV / 30 mA) 
This image shows Guido Schmitz

Guido Schmitz

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Chair Professor

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