Student Representatives of Materials Science

Information from students for students: the web site of the student reps. Here you can find useful information on studying in Stuttgart, our course of study, news and events or help with questions and problems.

What are the Student Representatives?

We are students in the Bachelor's and Master's degrees of Materials Science (MaSci) at the University of Stuttgart. We represent the opinion and interests of all MaSci students in Stuttgart versus our professors and in university politics. We are at your side whenever questions or problems arise to make studying enjoyable and successful for everyone. We collect information on job and intern positions as well as intra- and extracurricular activities and post it on our blackboard or into your inbox via our e-mail subscription service. We connect students among ech other and with external contacts. We organize excursions and parties to make studying studying a lifetime experience. We are the Student Reps of Materials Science.

Where to find what

All information for First Year Students new to the University is summarized on the page with the same name.

In the section Resources for Studying you will find useful general information, details on how you can access books or exams and exercises from the past and who to talk to if you run into trouble - whatever it may be.

Follow through to Contact and Newsletter to find out how to contact us or how to you can sign up for our e-mail subscription service which we use to distribute useful information and job ads. If you have any questions about a lecture, the course of studies - or more general about living in Stuttgart - don't hesitate to contact us and we'll do our best to help.

Help or become a member!

You want to help our cause or want to become a member? Just come by our room, write us an e-mail or show up for one of our meetings. When the meetings will take place is published in the News and Events section and on our blackboard in front of our room.

Contact us

This image shows Ralf Schacherl

Ralf Schacherl


Fachstudienberatung Materialwissenschaft

This image shows Fachgruppe Materialwissenschaft

Fachgruppe Materialwissenschaft


Student Representatives of the Materials Science

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